Day Four of My500Words

My 500 Words - Day 4: Free Writing

My500Words Day Four Free Writing Marie Cooper Actor

Today's #My500Words challenge is to do free writing. Writing freely without stopping to edit as you go or adding punctuation or re-reading etc. Just writing everything and anything that pours out of the old brainmeat without letting any of that boring grownup stuff from getting in the way of your flow and creativity

I kind of free write / brain dump when I write anyway. It's what I feel most comfortable with. I thought that might be a little obvious from my rambling sentences and why my writing probably sounds like me...because it essentially is. The unabridged, open door into the head of an introvert, grabbing with both hands at once, the constant streams of consciousness, solidified into words, in a tangle of tangents and brain squirrels. 

Although, I am a grammar/spelling Nazi, (sorry, not sorry) so I will at least, double check on that and probably, if in doubt, throw a comma in anyway, to give the reader a chance to mentally take a breath. 

My WordPress website is very unhappy about it all and it takes me more time to edit than it does to write anything, with my SEO app complaining about the lengths of my sentences and starting sentences with the same letter all the time. Usually "I". Well, I am an 'I' person, afterall  I know 'I'...I mean 'me', best of all.

Anyway! Yes. The point of today's task is to try free writing. I've used the technique before and it is surprisingly fruitful to let the mind just meander. It does often end up with my writing complete and utter nonsense. Like here, with me waffling on about free writing. But if I have a theme and a direction or a sentence or a word to prompt, it can sometimes spark off some quite beautiful things. 

I've seen it happen in writing class. Every single individual is full of stories, not just factual but little combinations of their choices of what they've seen, heard, felt, smelled, experiences, read, watched, imagined and to see that spill spontaneously from the mind onto the blank pages in a matter of just five to ten minutes is a beautiful thing to behold. Even more so when it comes from your own mind and you look down at your hand and think, did I just write that? For real? 

Ok! That doesn't actually happen as much as I would like it to. But, I don't write as much as I would like to. At least I didn't until I started this challenge. So maybe, just maybe, if I write more, it will happen more. I'd say it's worth a try.

Annoyingly that summed up what I wanted to say and I'm still 100 words short... So I shall randomly pick a sentence from the internet and free write for 5 minutes... 

Free Writing with Writing Prompt

Using the writing prompt from today's writing prompt on Twitter...

"I think we are already in a lot of trouble, actually!"

We! What do you mean we? I had nothing to do with this. I only came along to make sure you didn’t get yourself in trouble

How’s that working for you?

We need to put everything back the way we found it. If we’re lucky nobody will ever know we were even here

Oh they will know alright. Look!

Oh dear God. Shelly What have you done?

Take a photo of me

Hell no!

Come on. Please?

I can’t take a selfie. I can’t fit myself all in. I’ll take one of you after.

You won’t! I would die if anyone knew I was here.


Give it here. (Takes the camera, shaking head and rolling eyes but grinning all the same)

Ok, maybe not something beautiful...yet. But who knows? It could be, eventually.

664 Words


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